Yesterday Dan received the following email from a dear friend:
"Do you remember when we were driving home for winter break? Well, at one point we were talking about what God had been teaching us during the semester. You were a little upset [because] although you had grown so much, you felt like no one realized it and that everyone still saw you as the same Dan. I tried to convince you otherwise but you didn't believe me so much. Well Dan, let me tell you that this past week has proven that people have noticed the changes in your life in a big way. The way people talk about you warms my heart because I know how much it would mean to you to hear it all. You are truly becoming more and more like Christ and it is so visible to those around you because of the way you live your life. Don't stop now, Dan! I know you won't."
After I read that to him he began mouthing more sentences that I have ever seen him attempt! He told me that at camp he had been talking with a friend who said again that Dan really has grown. Dan said he wasn't sure why, but he just felt like something big was around the corner. He had such an excitement and acceptance in his face. God blessed me so much as I was able to understand almost every word he said and by seeing how the Lord was preparing him for what He had in store and Dan is ok with that! This was the 2nd time Dan had said this; the first was a few days ago with Mom. Dan started talking about James 1 and how he knew this is God's purpose and that God had big plans in store for him. He gets so excited when he talks about this and told Mom, "It's ok; it's not about me!" Wow!
We know there will still be difficult times ahead for each of us as we have moments, like the Israelites I read about this morning, where we complain and ask "why, God did You bring us here?" But God has given and will continue to give such grace and peace and Dan's attitude and testimony is inspiring us and many others. Now, that is the best thing we could ask God for!!
Huge Milestones
1 year ago
This is Donna Shaver. Two of our kids attended Puebla Camp. We work in Oaxaca, MX.
Today I was reading: "I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you, and so that my fame might spread throughout the earth."
This was God talking to Pharaoh- a pagan, an enemy of God. How much more can and will God use you, a friend of God, to spread HIS fame? We don't understand God's ways... But as I scanned through your blog comments, I realized that HIS fame is spreading throughout the earth - in this high-tech day and age.
May God be gloried in your life today! May He display His power in you!
Donna, David, Andrew & Laurel Shaver
You have been on our minds constantly since we heard. You are being lifted up to our loving, merciful God by us and all those we have read know and love you. God keeps bringing to my mind Ps. 131: "I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul..." I have no doubt that you are in the strong and mighty hands of our God and He is worthy of our trust for you. Our prayers and love are with you.
Tracey Hall, Joe, Lindsay, Garrett & Nick
Dear Dan, The verses that continue to come to my mind when I am praying for you are Isaiah 55:8-9: For My thoughts are not your thoughts; Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. I was so encouraged for you again after reading the update on your blog. You are being used by the Lord in a mighty way and don't you forget it! God is doing great things in and through you. Keep trusting. Keep growing! His grace IS sufficient. We love you Dan!
Mrs. Stern
i am so proud to have such a Christ-like BIL!! We cannot wait to get home and see you! TONS of hugs and love from Guatemala!!
Hi Dan and Family,
My name is Jackie from Minnesota and I have been reading Amy's blog for a while now because I am an aspiring missionary to Mexico. Even though you or Amy do NOT know me, I feel connected to you both through Jesus Christ our Savior. As I read Dan's blog, the song by Third Day "By His Stipes We are Healed" kept playing in my head. Dan, the Good Lord is with you and your family in this trial and I have a strong conviction that you will be healed and that many will be impacted by your testimony! Just as it it is written in Isaiah that "He was wounded for our transgressions, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His stripes, we ARE HEALED!!" What He did more than 2000 years ago brings healing to all now and in the time to come. I will continue to pray for you! Stay strong! The Lord is with you!!
Dear Dan, Debbie, and Bill,
I was so excited yesterday morning to read in Daniel 12:3: "Those who are wise will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many in righteousness like the stars forever and ever." That is my prayer for all of us. But I wanted to encourage you for the shining I see in you now. You have set your face like flint to glorify God in your darkest hour and in the dark day the shining is all the more clear. Keep shining! We continue to pray for great joy in him, that he would supply the breath you need, and that He would shower you with his grace. You are loved!
Laura and Matthew Elliott
Hi Dan,
You and your family are being asked to go on a journey to an unfamiliar place, just like Abraham did so long ago. He went with God's promises about his future. He trusted God and obeyed. God called him His friend.
God has promised to be right there with you through everything you are going through. He has an amazing plan and purpose for you. You are obeying and honoring Him with your wonderful attitude! Dan, God calls you His friend!!
Our family is holding you and your family up in prayer!!
In Christ's Love,
Alex and Judy Loosa
Dan, We have missed you in Accounting II. I'm glad for the time you let me know you were Jen's sister when we were walking out of class one day. I hadn't learned your last name, so hadn't made the connection. It was random and little but brightened my day to make a new friend. It gave me a connection to you that has inspired prayers on your behalf. I have been praying and will continue to pray for your recovery, as well as grace and strength for your family.
Rachel Gibson
Hi Dan,
We are praying for you! Thanks for encouraging us with your positive and teachable attitude. You are right, God has big plans for you. He has already used you to touch so many lives. You are inspiration to many. Love the Basile Family in Puebla
Dear Dan,
It was great seeing you yesterday and I was the one encouraged. Your big smile and bright eyes and thoughtful questions were overwhelming. It is obvious that you are truly a wonderful person and I know God is smiling on you and your family now for the grace you have shown in your response to this trial. Know that you are in my prayers.
Aunt Kathy
Our kids go to Cedarville with you, and my daughter had told us about you and asked for prayer. While we always want to submit to God's will, we are asking in faith for your perfect healing and restoration. The testimony of you and your family has been a blessing to us. We are also praying for your family and loved ones, and that God will meet every need.
Robert and Brenda Byers
Hi Dan, so many prayers are going up for you here in Washington. I just mention what happened and they ask for your name so they can add you to their prayer list at church. One guy told me when I mentioned you said, Pat, this is no surprise to God. He knows all about it and has a plan for your Dan. Yesterday in church the pastor spoke on how Moses led the people out of Egypt and that it is the blood that saves us for their is power in the blood. And, yes it is through Him that we are healed. Keep that precious attitude of yours. It is amazing how the Lord is using you. You are such a joy. God bless you and I look forward to see what God has in store. Love you much Gramma
Jeremiah 31:3 "I have loved you with an everlasting love."
Hey Dan,
It was so good to see you yesterday brother. It's awesome to see how many people have been influenced by what you've been going through and especially how God's peace is just shining through you in your trust and faith in him. I know that's what you want. It is so clear how you've grown in the Lord and how he's chosen to use his servant Dan to do make an amazing impact in many lives. I can't wait to see how God uses you through your recovery and how he works through your faith to touch people's lives with His power. You're a wonderful example of what it means to wait on the Lord as your strength using every situation to show people how great our God is. You're in inspiration to me I know and many others I'm sure. Keep going man. You're in my prayers and thoughts.
Yes Dan, something big has happened. And God knew exactly the one who could deal with it. The mighty power of God is alive and working in you. You have been encouraging the saints in some BIG ways. Our prayers are with you and the family continually.
"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.." Nahum 1.8
Dan, keep trusting and the Lord will keep caring!
Hey Dan, this is Brandon Stern again. Just writing a quick note to let you know that I will be praying for you tomorrow. It has been really encouraging to hear how you and your family have been trusting God through this whole ordeal. Keep trusting, you can place your trust in no One greater than Him.
Dear Dan...Wow that was so encouraging to read today! Your faith is amazing and God has really prepared you for this trial. God is faithful and provides for our every need. I will be praying for your surgery tommorrow.
We love you and stay strong, the Morzak family
Hi Dan,
I attend CU also and I know I've seen you around before...I'm friends with Jill Kober, and she had been updating me until I found this site! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and I'm so happy to hear you're handling all this okay. Realizing how much God can use you through this is huge! Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm praying... :)
Your sister in Christ,
Leslie Stamper
Every time I come home and look at South Hall across the street, God brings you to mind. I am praying for you and your family. I appreciate the way Jen keeps us all updated. What a special family you all are.
Mrs. Mac
Dan and Family,
We used to be missionaries in Oaxaca and so have had several of the current missionaries there request prayer from us for you. We are now missionaries in Ecuador and want you to know that our staff and the Ecuadorians that we work with here are all holding you up in prayer. Your life and commitment to glorify God in all things has been a true blessing and encouragement. Get well soon so that you can come and share with us in Ecuador!
Steve and Sandi Youngren
Compassion Connection
My name is Courtney. I know that you don't know me, but I work with your sister-in-law Emily.
Wow, it is such an encouragement to read this blog. I think that God has something big planned for you. I am praying for you. May God continue to be with you and your family.
In Christ Love,
Dan and Family,
You have been in my thoughts and prayers a lot lately. Even though you don't know me personaly, I know we have passed each other on the sidwalks of Cedarville hundreds of times, and being in the junior class almost automatically means we know each other by default. I have no personal stories of us to share, and no moments to recall of us together to make you smile. But, I have one common thread that ties us, and that is God's faithfulness. I do have stories - account upon account where God has been with me in the deepest times of my life, and where His promise rings true in my heart. He has given us this promise, and a time to dance under His faithfulness and grace. Today, I am thankful for life everlasting. I am thankful for His constant companionship. I am thankful for His grace in my life. I am thankful for His strength. Today, more than any other day, my prayer is for His arms to be felt around your body. It is under prayer that God works in marvelous ways, and we, your brothers and sisters in Chirst, will never stop praying. We will not cease bringing you to the throne of God. Continue smiling, because even though it might be hard, you do not know how many lives you are touching, and how many lives you are impacting. You are making your legacy in Him.
Love and Prayers,
Elyse N. Burk
Cedarville '08
Hey Captian..I will pray hard for you tomorrow!!! You are in God's hands!!! He is taking care of you brother, put your trust in him!! I am so encouraged by what was written last...Dan, I love you so much. The Lord is working in you so stongly man!!! Chafe out!!! dont stop smiling capt., you are affecting many many lives right there in that hospital!!! I'm serious!
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:11-12
Be Joyful Dan! Praise God for his faithfulness!
Hey Dan,
This is Katelyn Horn formerly known as Katelyn White. I have some awesome memories playing with you, Jenn, Mike, Matt and my brother Jacob about thirteen years ago up in your tree-house and games down in your basement. Ya'll had the coolest game about pizza. I remember thinking you and Mike were awesome. You guys made me wish for the longest time that I had a twin sister.
My mom just called and told me about your accident. I was very saddened and disturbed until read these blogs. You and your family and everybody's comments have filled me with so much joy. It is so wonderful to hear how God is working in your life and in so many other people through you. We'll be praying for you and watching your progress. May God continue to grant you peace and perseverance through your recovery.
Dan, you are in my prayer and my tears. I'm gonna try to come up and see you in a couple weeks. Keep your thoughts on Christ and on your inner man, which is being renewed day by day.
I hope you don't mind, I shared a testimony about you and our long friendship at our choir concert last night(we're on chambers choir tour right now.) The ministry that the Lord is being pleased to bring through your hardships is being brought to many churches and lives in the Northeast. Be encouraged, brother.
Knudsens, I love you with the effectual love of Christ and I trust that the blessed sweetness of the Gospel will continue to encourage you in your suffering. I'm always here for you.
Soli Deo Gloria
1 Cor.15:45-49
Dear Dan,
My brother, Michael Crino, was at camp with you in Puebla. I am Michael's older sister, Bethany Crino, and am in college here in Chicago, not too far from where you are staying. When Michael called me a couple days ago and told about the accident, he could't say enough about what an impact you had on his life that week at camp. He said that before he met you, he had never met a guy your age who was so in love with Jesus. You are such an encouragement to him! He also told me that after you were taken to the hospital on Friday, the kids spent four hours in the chapel praying for you - which resulted in a lot of changed lives. Dan, thank you so much for being faithful to the Lord Jesus, and living out with JOY the calling that you have received!!! My brother's life, along with countless others, have been blessed and drawn closer to the Lord because of you. The Lord is so good! And I know without a doubt that He is DELIGHTING in you today! May you continue to ENJOY the Lord in your spirit every day as He brings healing to your body.
The Lord is good, Dan. May He be your first and only love today. The Lord is GOOD. And He DELIGHTS in your life.
This is Terry and Chris members with you in the body of Christ. Friends of your mom and dad. This morning reading Romans 12:1-8 our thoughts turned to you and His good, pleasing and perfect will. Your desire to grow in faith and the comments in your blog are encouraging to all of us desiring growth in our relationship with God. We pray for healing of your injuries and that all who come into contact with you witness the Glory of God abiding in you.
I just wanted to let you know, before you go into surgery, that I am praying for you SO much and will continue to do so.I know that you've heard this, but God has great things in store for you.Don't lose heart because we have such a GREAT GOD.
Emma Vej'voda
Dan, our family heard about you from our missionary friends in Mexico, the Glessners. Then we found out that Drew Schmitz also knows you (he worked with us in our Youth Group in PA)Our family is praying for you and your family!! We are praying that each day you see God's hand on your life--"Blessed be the Lord, who DAILY loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." Selah (Ps. 68:19)
I am praying for you today. Know that God is with you and HE will never leave you. Continue pressing on.
Dan! I am joining the rest of the Crino Clan on this word: The Lord Delights in YOU.
I led the devotional and worship time for one of my missions classes today at North Park University and shared from Philippians 3:7-11. I was thinking about your situation as I shared about "being found in Christ" and "counting all things as rubbish" that we would "GAIN CHRIST" and identify with Him in His death, that we might FULLY identify in His resurrection. Be found in Christ today in the midst of a broken body and broken dreams. Be found in HIM, counting ALL things loss for the EXCELLENCE of Knowing Him, who is greater than us, and Knows all things...even about where you will be in the next six weeks. For the Sake of Christ, you live. Amen y gloria a Dios!!
Allison Crino
Hey Dan! I was/am really encouraged, not to mention amazed by your attitude. Man, you really are a present-day Job. I really look up to you for that. I want you to know that I really enjoyed having you as cabin counselor at Puebla camp. Thank you so much for giving up your spring break for that. Your attitude there was just as amazing. Your openness with us was such a huge blessing and encouragement. Dan, keep trusting in the Lord, He won't let you down. I'm praying for you on this end, and I'm trusting that God will use all of this for His glory. Because like you've said, it's not about us. It's all about Him. I know it's easy for me to say that, I'm not the one laying in a hospital bed right now, but I hope and pray that if I'm ever in a similar situation, I'll still be able to say that. God bless you Dan! I love you man! I'll continue to pray for you.
~Matt Butler
Ohio is praying for you Dan
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