Quick facts from Monday, March 19th:
~ There were 829 visitors that looked at nearly 2000 pages! (2.4 pages/visitor)
~ 39% of people visited more than once on Monday
~ 12% of all visits came from someone clicking on a link in an email
~ 9% of visits came from other blogs & social networking sites
From Sunday through Wednesday (March 18th - 21st):
~ Visits came from 640 cities worldwide, 43 US states, and 24 countries!
~ The US contributed 91% of the visits; 2nd place is Mexico with a total of 253 visits
~ Ohio is the top state - contributing over 1/3 of all visits to the blog (Cedar where??)
So where do you fall in all these stats?? Keep it up and spread the word!
wow! how Great is our GOD.. and major kudos to the analyst :)
It's so amazing and encouraging to know people are praying for Dan all over the world! Dan, you are being such a rich testimony of God's goodness and of faithfullness. I'm praying for you constantly!
Hey Buddy!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you every free minute I have. It's weird not having your smiling face around but it helps me remember the good times in tumbling and all the fun we had together. Just know that you are well loved more than you could ever know and that being a child of God you are in the best hands. Continue to lean on God for your strength and comfort. I know it's hard to see the bright side of this now but God can see the big picture and has a plan for everything He brings us. We all love you and we're proud of you and your family for your strength, courage, and unchanging faith!
Hi, Dan and fam;
Carol and I have left Puebla and are now in ARK. It was bittersweet as you may imagine.
We think about you each day. Our prayers are with you, too.
Still hope to visit you next week after getting to Indy.
Dear Peter Pan Dan, I think you are like peter pan because you are very strong. And you never give up! I think you are a special cousin. I hope you feel better soon. Love - Cousin Jasmine -age 5
Verses God laid on my heart specifically for ya'll today:
"Yet I am always with you; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:23-26
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O People; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."
-Ps 62:5-8
Hi Dan,
Steve and I are from Tim and Barbara Lee Glessner's Church in Tacoma Washington. We have been praying for you and your family and know that God has done a miraculous work in your life and is continuing to do so. We Praise Him.
Psalm 63 :6-8 was written for you...
"On my bed I remember you;
I think of your through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I stay close to you;
your right hand upholds me"
We pray that God will uphold you and give you all courage, strength and endurance. You are all such a testimony for God.
Steve and Amy Kliewer
Steve and Amy Kliewer
Dear Dan,
I'm writing you from Puebla, Mx. My heart and prayers go out to you during this tough time. I have been praying for you ever since I heard of the accident. I know their aren't words enough to comfort you, only the grace of God can do that.
A couple years ago my parents were in a horrible car accident, my mom was in very bad shape, she also broke her C2 and was without oxigen for about 3 hours, her lungs comletely filled with blood. In the natural a very horrible situation. My mom went from not recognizing who her own children were to being completely healed. It was a miralce! Remember we serve a BIG God who does the same miracles today. I know he can do the same for you. My prayer is that the same grace that was on us during that time be with you. We are praying for you.
In Him,
Mark and Aimee
This is for Dan
This is a friend: someone you can love, this is a mother, somone you can love theis is a father, someone you can love, this is a grandmother, soneone you can love, this is a grandfarther, somone you can love, this isan aunt, somone you can love. this is an uncle, somone you can love, this is a cousin, someone you can love. This IS love: GOD -
Praying you will get well soon. Love Raeanna
Dan...don't know you other than our connection through Christ, but wanted you to know that your name was lifted to our Comforting Savior and Friend last night in our small group. The pastor of our church is the father of Andrew Schmitz, one of the pastors at Harvest. We're well connected with your story and His people are praying...
Thank you for your honest post...I am sure thier are others, in difficult situations, who need to know that even though you completely trust God with the situation, tears and fears are apart of your life right now. This is not a lack of faith just a normal human reaction. I am still spreading the word to others to be praying for your family. Also thanks for letting us join in the joy of adopting the twins.
Hey Dan,
Your one blog hit from Iraq came from me. I am currently deployed to Iraq when I received an email from Chief today about what happened. I just wanted you and your family to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jacob Hummitzsch ‘04
1stLt USMC
Im from Mexico. I was there when the accident happened. I just wanted to say that this incident had a great impact on my life and I was drawn a lot closer to god.
wow, that is incredible that all across the nation we're all praying together. and its not gonna stop either, if anything we're gonna keep spreading:)
God bless you all
Hey, Anaylist Matt! Where is the statistic that lists "old aunts first time blogging?" Talk about amazing...my friends have relayed back to me how they are being blessed by meeting all of you, and seeing God's Word held high. I love you and can't wait to hug those twins when I come up this summer.
It is amazing to see how many people accross the world are holding Dan up in prayer. Matt - nice job on the web stats!
Heather, Kaleb and I are praying for you guys, along with our Sunday School class.
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