This past Friday night marked 2 years since we received the phone call that Dan had an accident and was on his way to a hospital in Mexico. I was recently looking at photos of those early days, Dan with tubes in his mouth and nose, neck brace, months of hospital stay, and realized how powerful prayer is. I look back and shudder at the heaviness of it all, yet at the time we didn't carry that same heaviness. Whether is was the short stay in Mexico, ICU, rehab, back home, I now know that prayer carried us through each stage. Even after 2 years, tears occasionally flow like when looking over photos and videos of Dan BEFORE his accident. The grief process still continues. Thank YOU for carrying us.
Dan is doing well. He looked so good when he arrived home last week for spring break. His week included taking a test at his local community college for his online course, seeing and
babysitting his 3 nieces, lunch with grand parents, taking in a movie [Pink Panther 2} with his Aunt Mary Kay, AND catching up on emails. He continues to have some minor blood pressure issues, but we are growing in our understanding of Dan's physical needs.

Dan's spring break also included a visit to his mom's 2nd grade class at Harvest Christian Academy in Elgin, IL. To them, a celebrity was coming! What an inquisitive group of students they were. Their questions included:

There were some cards and gifts for him which were much appreciated. Dan thoroughly enjoyed his visit as much as the students enjoyed him. Thanks to all of Mrs. Knudsen's 2nd graders for loving Dan.
This is one of Dan's favorite verses , which he quoted to the students. Philippians 4:13 (ESV)

Dan's spring break also included a visit to his mom's 2nd grade class at Harvest Christian Academy in Elgin, IL. To them, a celebrity was coming! What an inquisitive group of students they were. Their questions included:
- "What's that thing on your chair?" [It displays the controls for my chair]
- "How fast can it go?" [Faster than you can walk]
- "How do you eat?" [Many people help feed me]
- "What do you eat?" [Almost everything]
- "How do you read The Bible?" {I use Bible ESV]
- "Does it bother you when people stare at you?" [NO, people look and then look away, kids look until their parents tell them to stop. I smile back at them.]
- "What are you studying at college?" [Pre-Law]
- "Will you be able to walk again?" [only God knows]
- "Do you get jealous when you see people do things you can't?" [NO, I am glad for them]

There were some cards and gifts for him which were much appreciated. Dan thoroughly enjoyed his visit as much as the students enjoyed him. Thanks to all of Mrs. Knudsen's 2nd graders for loving Dan.
This is one of Dan's favorite verses , which he quoted to the students. Philippians 4:13 (ESV)
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
Tears...of joy for what God has brought you all through, how He has carried you, what he is continually doing through all of you, Dan allowing himself to be used for the Lord...tears of awe for those sweet 2nd graders who are so honest and unafraid to ask questions, easy and hard.
Thanks for sharing
Oh Dan, as I listened to your mom tell of this event, and now reading it on the web, I am just over flowed with joy, love, emotions, tears, and just utter amazement at how God is blessing you with such a testimony for Him. There is a saying we have had for years, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." Only in eternity will we see the why and what of this chapter in your life. What a witness. God bless you Dan and Garrett, thanks again for your steadfast devotion and watch care over Dan. Love Gramma
What a great post! I'm so excited to see where God takes Dan!
Seeing God's grace in your lives is always such an encouragement to me. I use too. I read the one-year Bible on it. It's so easy--and I need easy! also has audio, it's a constant companion of mine at my workstation. Thank you for the update and the reminder. God has done so much in the last two years. It seems like it has been longer. How amazing! Love to you all & continued prayers. charlene
I am in total awe and admiration of you, Dan.Your steadfast faith is heart and mind boggeling. Praise God for His strong arms to carry us all.
As a mom, i can not imagine what you, Debbie and Bill, went through seeing your son in so much pain. As always I pray for you two as well as for garrett!!!
Dear Dan,
Thankyou for coming to our class.It was fun seeing you.
Josh Kouris.
P.S. If you don't remember me ask your mom.
Hi Dan, We continue to check in on you! We are thankful for the way the Lord continues to work in and through you. We are proud of you. Keep looking up! Sandy for The Basiles in Puebla, Mexico
How are things going??? have no seen a new post for awhile.
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