Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who Turned out the Lights?

The aftermath of Hurricane Ike brought days of rain [8.5"] around the Chicago area and was also responsible for high winds in southwest Ohio. The winds were responsible for power outages at Cedarville, so Dan was without power Sunday afternoon until early Tuesday.

Dan uses a bit of electricity, including things like his bed's "low air-loss" mattress, so the dorm guys loaned him a futon mattress with extra pillows to prevent pressure sores. Dan's cold, which is clearing up, caused the need to be suctioned more, and so his portable suction machine was used. However, Dan needed his cough assist, so Garrett had to get it from the dorm to the student center, where there was a generator. They also had to recharge cell phones and Dan's chair at the student center, along with the suction machine.

When I called Dan, his concern was that he couldn't check his Fantasy Football standings!! (or watch CUBS games.) Nothing like college students "roughing it" for a few days.

We are SO thankful for the pacer vs. the vent. What an experience that would have been! We were told soon after Dan's accident that after 5 hours of loss of power that a vent patient has to head to somewhere with an alternative form of power.
Thanks again, Dr. Onders. Thank you, Lord, for guiding medical professionals to greater understanding.

Big thanks to Garrett, Dan's PA, who has had a few too many challenges thrown at him, in this 1st month of school. Bill, who had been at CU since August 15th, finally came home last Wednesday. We are both filled with mixed thoughts and emotions, because ... just because we're not close to Dan. We have confidence to know that Dan is in God's watch care, and that many at CU are helping out on a daily basis. Garrett, we are so grateful for your constant concern, and watch care over Dan. Do pray for Garrett's stamina to endure, and for help with scheduling regular time off for him.


Anonymous said...

I am amazed at your faith...knowing Dan is in God's will and walking away. I hope that Dan or Garrett will keep us up on the happenings at Cedarville. I am sure there will be lots of things to share. Then hearing from your point of view to now be on the outside of Dan's care. I loved looking at Emily blog... I believe she open some of the doors for Dan to return. Special people God be used in a special way.

Anonymous said...

To Dan's family from Garrett's Grandfather and grandmother.

We are so proud of how Garrett has been gifted of God to take care of your son.
We fell very special to be a part of your son's life through Garrett.
God bless you all and god watch over Dan and Garrett at CU.
Grace and Peace!
Rev. and Mrs Harry Pittman

Anonymous said...

I heard the power was out in Cederville. It was really bad here in the Columbus area too. My sister still does not have power. Literally one of my first thoughts when I heard Cederville lost power was "thank you Jesus for the pacer"
I continue to lift all of you up in prayer.
Dan, special prayers for you to stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Dan and Garrett, Don't leave us in the dark! How is life at Cedarville going? Still praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Yea, power is back on so "enlighten" us on the latest.

Jane said...

checking in to see if there is anything new. Still praying for you Dan as you adjust to being back on campus and finding time to get it all in every day. and I'm praying for Garrett as he tends to your great to have a willing man of God to serve Him and your daily needs Dan. God IS good.

Anonymous said...

Dan, as I heard about the Cubs increasingly exciting season, I was increasingly happy for you (since I don't follow baseball and haven't watched a game since you left for KKI) -- but as I think the saying goes, there's always next year. I was just reading comments on the blogs in the Tribune. Some people are quitting on the Cubs now. Others are saying Thanks for a great season!
I know which side you're on.
But I'm sad it had to come to an end.
There IS always next year. And the year after. And you'll always be there loving it, cringing or cheering, but never quitting. Because that is what a true fan does. Thanks for some great hours of sharing the fun.

Anonymous said...

Which is not to say you wouldn't have provided a scathing or sarcastic insight along the way now and then, I'm guessing.... But then that's a privilege that belongs to the die-hard fan, right?
(Most of us are commiserating, and we're all waiting for your commentary.)