What is knowledge without action? What is knowing without doing? Is it possible to know something in your mind and not do anything about what you know? Or a better way of asking these questions is if there is any purpose to knowing about something but then never doing anything about that knowledge? The point of knowledge is to do something. And knowing about something also brings about proper and improper responses/actions. If you know you need to cook raw pork to a certain temperature to ensure you have killed off all the bacteria, but then you do not cook it enough and still expect no bacteria, you would be foolish. It is simply incorrect.
The purpose of the preceding is to say that with knowledge of Jesus Christ and what God's Word says, then there must be some sort of action with this knowledge. Remember how knowing without doing is worthless; it's pointless. Therefore knowing about Jesus means you choose to follow or not follow. By definition you must act, so which one? Action must follow, so if you have faith, then there must be works in your life. Furthermore, for those who believe they have chosen to follow Jesus Christ can ask themselves what is believing the Holy Spirit is in your heart, without exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit? What is believing in Jesus Christ and not doing all that the Bible says? (I'm not talking about what you think the Bible says based on growing up and hearing sermons in churchesand then nowadays going to the Internet to rationalize a topic biblically by pulling out verses you think apply. Read the Bible cover to cover and let it speak for itself. “The Word of God is living and active; sharper than any two-edged sword.” You know what swords do? They stab you, and cut you, and in the Hebrews 4:12 verse just mentioned, the sword is to pierce to convict. False intentions cannot be hidden from God. When you read the Bible honestly, you will have to change. You can't remain pursuing this world.)
That was a quick rant, so let me get back on topic: Those who have faith in Jesus Christ will then respond with either correct or incorrect actions. Correct actions are biblical works such as being more loving and more peaceful etc. Biblical works also include turning from what the Bible clearly states as sin.
In conclusion if you say you have a relationship with God, then your life should exhibit true Biblical actions. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).