Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Savannah

Savannah turned 1 year old this past week. She is not into riding on Dan's wheelchair like her sisters Addy & GG, but she will in time.

She can be funny, shy, serious, inquisitive, and loves to read books with her bigger sisters. Isn't she the cutest? [spoken like true grandparents]

* Be in prayer for Dan's paternal grandfather - John, who suffered a severe heart attack on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Hi. How does Dan's summer look? How did he do on the Constitutional Law exam? That sounds daunting. Will Garrett be with him next school year at Cedarville or what does the plan sound like, so far? Let us know how he gets along, esp. with his BP. Hope they get that figured out.

Sergio and Janni Salés
Mexico City

Anonymous said...

How's your grandfather doing?