Tuesday, November 13, 2007

8th month recap

where did last week go? where did the past 8 months go?

We were on a roll. Dan was up using his power chair, on his computer and working on pacing while in the chair [a bit more difficult]. He was scheduled to see 2 new doctors, a Urologist, and a Pulmonologist, and also had some minor surgery for an SUPRAPUBIC CATHETER on Thursday. [I'll let you parents explain that one]

BUT ...
Nothing is minor around here. Surgery went long, recovery longer, we took him home, but he should have stayed the night at the hospital. Thus, Dan has been feeling lousy and out of commission since last Thursday. There have been a few other related complications too, so the Pulmonologist is rescheduled for this Friday.

keep hearing from doctors and quad people that we meet that the first year is the hardest. Dan seems to be experiencing all of that "hard year" right now. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some European countries would keep a patient with a severe injury like Dan in the hospitals and rehabilitation clinics for a full year until all of these issues are worked out. Not a bad idea in our book. It just hits all at once, all the time.

We know there is a "commencement" of sorts, where most of these doctors, surgeries, sores, severe headaches, general discomfort, lack of appetite, listlessness, drastic swings in body temperatures [97.1 to 102.6 in a few hours] will be past Dan and us. Bring it on, sooner than later.

to those who continue to help Dan with meals, feeding & exercising him, general care for Dan, cards, emails, comments, house cleaning, financially, phone calls that show you care ["are you okay? haven't seen a blog since last week"], AND prayers. We know that Dan is on your minds more that we will ever know. Thanks for letting us share, but more importantly for how you have held us up and loved us day to day these past 8 months.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31


Anonymous said...

Seldom a day goes by that I don't think of and pray for you, Dan and family. Yes, I think it's time to celebrate a commencement and I'll add that to my prayer list.

"Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10

Anonymous said...

We, too, are thinking and praying for each of you daily. We are grateful for your blog updates as we live out of state and keep connected with your postings.

We know not what the Lord has in store but we know He loves us and will guide us every step of the way. Phil 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.

You are in our prayers and thoughts daily...

Anonymous said...

I think of all of you so often and lift you up in prayer. My heart is heavy, and at the same time so proud, for you as you carry on and walk thru each new day with such GRACE - in total dependence on our Father.

Until we all meet in heaven one day, you will have no idea how your transparancey with the world has touched so many lives. You are presenting your bodies as living, daily sacrifices, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

I wish I could put in words what your faith walk has meant to me and my family personally. We are going thru our own consuming struggles, but they pale in comparison to what you have embraced. Many days, you are the inspiration I need to refocus on the bigger picture in life.

And that bigger picture is LIFE itself! God is all over this situation, and you are bringing him such glory and honor as you share your victories and defeats.

You are making the invisible God visible to so many!

Praying always,
Rita Harrison

Jane said...

there are days that I check the site more than once or twice to see if you have updated. I do understand that you have tons of stuff to tend to. Just wanted to let you know that I think of you guys (and pray) many times a day.

My heart breaks for you Dan. I can hardly see the computer screen for the tears in my eyes.... it just isn't supposed to be this way. For you or any other person! These are the days that I cry out to Jesus asking why!?!

I do know that God has a plan for you. That, unknown, plan is what I pray for you to lean on.

Life just s***ks some times....and I hate that for you. (I'm sorry if I have offended anyone.)

Know that you are in my prayers, today and always.

Anonymous said...

Dan (& fam),
At a time that it would be easy to give up and be discouraged, keep hangin' tight to Jesus! He hears every cry of His children, and has promised to be with us always.

"I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.' Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. You have made known to me the path of life, You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." -ps 16

Prayin' for ya!

Anonymous said...

Dan (& fam),
At a time that it would be easy to give up and be discouraged, keep hangin' tight to Jesus! He hears every cry of His children, and has promised to be with us always.

"I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.' Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. You have made known to me the path of life, You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." -ps 16

Prayin' for ya!

Anonymous said...

I've written before, but now it's from a different location. new school, new city, new COUNTRY! At my school, there is a Christian club, and we do little sermons and stuff. Last week, I gave a sermon about keeping our hope in God, even in all the tough times. I used Dan as my example (i was a camper when it happened), and used different blogs and stuff for it. The verse you put up today is one of the verses I used. I thought that was cool, so I wanted to share it. You've now got 20 more people praying for Dan, so don't give up hope! I know it's hard, but God knows your fears. He won't dish out more than you can handle! He loves you forever!

"We are invincible until God is finished working through us."
Pastor Lynn Sasser

Jane said...

Dan, I got a WAY COOL story for you...long but worth it!

Tonight at our small group bible study (in SC), I mentioned you and how you have had a rough couple of days. It was all I could do not to bawl again (and fighting the tears again now!)

Anyhoo! While giving the backround of your accident, the group leader's wife said that she thought she knew you. That there was a young man from C'ville that had the same story.

I'm like, how do you know Dan? She then proceeded to tell me that.... get this... YOU were a coucelor for THEIR CHILDREN IN MEXICO!!!!!

Yes, our group leader and his family were missionaries in Mexico for about 4 years.... YOU made a difference in their lives by what you did in Mexico.

Now how small of a world is THAT!!!????!!!!

Dan, God still has lots of GREAT things in store for you. I pray that you jump over this hurdle fast and get back at it. You got to get back to Mexico dude!!!

God is good, today and ALWAYS!!!

Alan & Beth McManus said...

haven't left a note here in months probably...but to let you know that using Firefox browser and an extension called Morning Coffee, when we open up the Internet each morning and push the "coffee cup button" our favorite or daily websites pop up. On my laptop and on my wife's laptop Check in on Dan is the first one of a number of tabs to open up. Because of that, we both pray more regularly for Dan than probably anyone else. Just want you to know that while we barely know you...I saw Dan at camp that week...might not have even spoke with him as I recall...might have had a word or two, don't remember now...Beth never met him. We're family in Christ and Dan is no less of a brother just because we don't know him personally. If he was my son, I'd be glad to know others might pray for him too.

Yesterday, I took my boys for a little treat down at the park in the center of town. We sat near the fountain and saw more pigeons than I'd ever remembered seeing there before. The statue of the big eagle was covered in the results of having hundreds of pigeons sitting all over the above-facing parts. I told my oldest son the old saying about "some day you're the pigeon and some day you're the statue" and asked him if he got that joke. He thought about it (he's 9) and he figured it out. He thought it was funny and then said, "somedays I feel like I'm both." I replied, "The truth is, we should never be the pigeon...we should never treat anyone else poorly...only like Jesus would treat them. And the truth is we're not statues either...God takes care of us...things don't 'just' happen. God allows and does things to and for us that sometimes seem great and sometimes not so great." It's all good b/c it all comes from Him. His purposes in these frail bodies are not nearly as important as the purposes He has for our inner person.

Keep on through the hard days and weeks...you are neither pigeons nor statues...but children of the King of Kings. He's taking care of us and you too.

Anonymous said...

Dan and Family, Just like many others I check your site several times a day. Knowing you don't have time to update each day but hoping for news from you. But it is more than news is it the grace of God the you represent. Everytime I open the blog God once again reminds me: I am in control, I will get you and the Knudsons thru, I do have a plan, I knew about this before I created the Earth so trust me. That his ways are not human ways. Sometimes I cry out but it's not fair and that small voice reminds me "Dan's life is bring GLORY TO ME" and that is why he was created. So in return I humbly anwser and say use me in the same way. Even in those bad, long days...KNUDSONS are bring glory to your Lord! Thank you, Praying Northern Ohio

Anonymous said...

Each day I check my email and your blog. I pray for you ALL! Thank you for the time you take to put into the blog. Thank you for blessing us by giving us a glimpse of your day/week. Praying that you will truely find renew strength as you trust the Lord. He is faithful.
lots of love!

elj377 said...

Thank you for your honesty, the celebrations and the updates! We are praying for you all. We love you...I think back to that verse" For I know the plans for you saith the Lord..." I can't think of the rest or the reference butI cling to the promise! Here's to you all Hanging In there!

wammer said...

hang in there man...


Jane said...

On this Thanksgiving morning I wanted to drop by and tell you that I am thankful for your family, all of you. It's families like you guys that have shown me that "normal" does not look like 2.5 kids, dog, cat, white picket fence.... God allows all of us different landscapes for our families, satan is the one who tempts us with the word normal.

I pray that your Thanksgiving will be filled with family and love. Yes things do look differently than they did for your family then they did last November, but you still have your family and Jesus. I pray that you will find comfort today and always.

Happy Thanksgiving!