We received word that someone on the floor April 21 & 22 had chicken pox. This time RIC is simply requesting that if you know you are immune, then you may visit.
Because Dan had "the corner office" - a room large enough for 2 patients, and because there needed to be room switching in light of chicken pox exposure, Dan is now in Room 544, rather than 546.
Dan had another day of progress -- small, but forward steps!
Huge Milestones
1 year ago
Even small progress is progress. Praise the Lord!
I still have my mom's pen of a Caterpillar and it says "inch by inch" so inch by inch progress is great. Thank you Lord.
hey, we're immune, we're immune! now we just need to get home, so we can VISIT!!! Miss you so much!
Constantly praying--so the old song came to my mind recently and I've sung it over and over again:
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine
Constantly abiding, Savior divine.
He never leaves me lonely,
Whispers oh so kind, "I will never (ever) leave you"--Jesus is mine!
Lovingly, Aunt Retta
Sorry this is really long, but I love this song and wanted to share it with you.
He's Been Faithful
In my moments of fear, through ev'ry pain ev'ry tear
There's a God who's been faithful to me
When my strength was all gone, when my heart had no song
Still in love He's proved faithful to me
Ev'ry word He's promised is true
What I thought was impossible I've seen my God do
He's been faithful, faithful to me
Looking back His love and mercy I see
Though in my heart I have questioned, even failed to believe
He's been faithful, faithful to me
When my heart looked away, the many times I could not pray
Still my God He was faithful to me
The days I spent so selfishly, reaching out for what pleased me
Even then God was faithful to me
Ev'ry time I come back to Him
He is waiting with open arms and I see once again
All praise be to our God who is faithful through our weaknesses and doubts! :-) (And who brings these blessings, as well!)
Thanks for letting us know about his progress. Still praying and thanking God for your family.
Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I am praying for Dan everyday. He is missed around here. Looking forward to when Dan has enough computer skills to give a shout out in his blog. Take care friend!
Hey Dan,
It's a little more cool and rainy outside ... but the sun just came out.
It would be great to just sit in the sun and hang out with you!
I love you & miss you,
a. mary kay
The Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. The same God that loved you and took care of you before the accident is the same God that loves you and sustains you now.
What sort of things is Dan working on in therapy these days? Praying!
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